10/25/2018 12:00:00 AM - 11:6 Code: 849 Print

Saffron of Qaenat registered globally

Saffron of Qaenat registered globally
Chairman of the South Khorasan Industry, Mining and Trade Organization says after gaining the national mark of saffron in the last year, Qaenat’s saffron was globally registered this year.

Irna News Agency

Dawood Shahrakie said on Tuesday that with the follow-up to localization and introduction of provincial capacities inside and outside the country, since 1994, global registration of parts of production capacities and products began.

He said, “Two Global brands of Carpet “Mood” and Qahestan brand was registered in 2016, and in 2017, three products of barberry, Jujube and saffron of Khorasan were awarded the national geographic medal.

The head of the South Khorasan Industry, Mining and Trade Organization said, “Now, with the international certificate of saffron of Qaenat, the intellectual property of this product has been registered, which will be a good introduction to world markets.

He added, “The next month, in the National Day of Exports, which will be held in the province, global brand of saffron of Qaenat will be unveiled.”